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Sunday, August 9, 2009

please don't let this be a premonition!

Friday, myself and my two daughters headed into the city to have lunch with my sister. Its about a 45 minute drive on the freeway, and then 15 minutes into the city to her house. We were about 20 minutes on the freeway and I looked out the right side of the van. In the sky was a GIANT plane. I actually saw it, and had to look twice. I don't think I have ever seen a plane flying that big before. For some reason, I just had this huge sense of dread. Like the feeling that it was carrying bombs on board and that it was going to start letting them loose. I was feeling freaked out about it, and thought it to be strange. I kinda laughed at my self and shook the feeling/thought out of my mind.

Fast forward another 15 minutes and lo and behold another very LARGE plane, not the exact same as what I had seen, but slightly different. Again, this horrible sense of dread came over me again, and I was worried it was going to be a repeat of 9/11! Now isn't that funny? I pointed out the plane to my eldest (Shes 6) and asked her if shes ever seen a plane that big before. She laughed and said "mommy, its a jumbo jet". I asked if she had any feelings about it (she has good intuition too) and she said no.

I know its close to 9/11 so perhaps my sense of dread is just with seeing how large the planes were and being surprised by it. I do know that there is an airshow coming to town I believe this weekend coming?

Anyways else see something that they could not explain why they felt "awful" about seeing it?

And as I am sure no one is surprised, I think the "baby" has ANOTHER ear infection! this is CRAZY! Before she would just get one from a cold, now, shes getting one from teething! Hoping I can get her into the Dr yet AGAIN tomorrow morning. Wish me luck!


Lynn said...

Holy cow Cheri. That's frightening. I don't know about you but i have always been kind of afraid of low flying planes, i have had many dreams where they would land or crash in a residential street or yard. I am though not afraid to fly, but kinda nervous at take of only. I couldn't imagine being in NYC on 9/11 i'm sure I would be traumatized for life. Hopefully its nothing.

Kimberley said...

This is nothing like what you experienced ~ Once I was driving on the highway just ahead of a bad summer storm. At one point I swear I could see small lizards running across the road! I've never, ever seen a lizard in SK before (although I know that they do exist). I kept wondering what it all meant. I never did find out if there was a special meaning, but I've never forgotten it.