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Thursday, August 20, 2009

I got stung by a bee :(

I took the little one to the park while my eldest was out with her grandparents for the afternoon. As we walked around on the grass, I was chatting with another mother that showed up at the park while our two daughters just ran around. I guess as we walked behind them, I must have kicked a bee into my sandal. It stung me right under neath my toe (the one next to the little piggy!). Gosh that HURT! Felt on fire. At first I thought I had stepped into a prickle bush, but my foot started to feel on fire. I looked down and a bee flew out from my foot. I sat on the ground and looked at my toe, the stinger and the bees butt was still there! I had to pick it out with my fingers. My toe is a bit swollen today and its red. I don't think that I am allergic (thank goodness) but it really bugs me. Just swollen and a bit sore when I walk. What a pain in the you know where! (foot, what did you think i was going to say?)

Well, as every Thursday seems to bring, today is a blog contest again and today we are giving away a free reading with ELISABETH!

To be able to win, you need to do the following.

I want you to get a piece of blank paper. I want you to take a pencil in your hand and close your eyes, I want you to scribble around in any direction not really paying attention to your lines. I want you to ask your guides to send you a message that pertains to an issue in your life.

After you have asked three times (while scribbling) I want you to stop, open your eyes and take a look. Do you have any letters on the page? are there any images that you can see? Did you feel anything while doing this exercises (some people who have empath abilities will pick up on emotions/feelings while doing this rather than receiving an image on their paper)

So you have until Sunday to give this a try. I will announce the winner Sunday night. All I ask is that you try it, you can enter even if it did not work for you, but would love to hear every ones experience!

Good luck!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hi Cheri, I tried it and got what looks like a bunch of figure 8's going in all different directions. But after going back and re-reading your post about what did I saw. I'm wondering if the 8's represent August as being the 8th month. Because I was asking about getting pregnant. I have had a few readings that have said August was my possible month. You gave me a reading of Concieve, BFP or EDD of April, well concieve and BFP have passed, but if I get pregnant this cycle I would have an EDD of May 3, but I'm sure I would deliver earlier by C-section which would be in April. Keeping my fingers crossed for that BFP, this month.

Melissa said...

I tried this exercise! I asked if our financial situation would be looking up in the near future. When I opened my eyes I saw what looked to me like waves on the paper. Bigger waves in the back and smaller waves towards the front. I am interpreting this as meaning our financial situation will settle as that is what the waves appear to me to be doing as they get closer to me. We have had some "big waves" in the last 8 weeks with our finances: we had a baby which resulted in a huge hospital bill do to some complications with the birth, our water heater broke just after the warranty expired (figures!) and our just filled LP tank sprung a leak and we lost over 100 gallons of gas before it was discovered! So if things settle that would be amazing!

Anonymous said...

WOW!!!!! Cheri, I wish or I might go ahead and take a pic of the scribble that I did and show you because once I started looking at it and trying to see if there is anything that would answer my question my questions was "Was I going to have Twins" and I could see a "Y" and then looking over I could make out a "E" and then seen what looked like to me a "S" I about died right there I know I see it...well then this moring I was cooking with eggs and I got a double yoke egg so to me that is showing me that there "twins" because of me asking for any signs to show me if its true or not...and also having 2 other psychics tell me that they both see "twins" for me Sept/Nov, then the other said Nov/Feb so we will see I'm praying that its showing me that its coming with that sign from the scribble and then the egg yoke...

Patty D. said...

OOPS!!! cheri I forgot to put my name for the one that said about the twins, yes and then the double yoke...

Miranda said...

I don't know if I really see a whole lot in my scribbles, I see a few figure 8's, some waves, and a flower in the middle. While doing the exercise I felt relaxed and calm almost as though there was a presence with me.

Niki said...

I was also asking about getting pregnant. I have a 7 year old from a previous marriage and have not yet been able to concieve with my current husband.

I took got figure 8's. Some upright, some sideways.
Not sure what they represent, if anything.

trying1009 said...

Hi Cheri, I know the contest is over but I just wanted to know, I asked my guides when will I become pregnant, I did it three different times and I saw s each time maybe that mean september???? That was a really fun exserise. Thank you