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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Open blog night?

Well, I am thinking of trying something new, and doing it on THURSDAYS. It will be this day that I post something that is important to everyone.

On Tuesdays I will ask for suggestions. What you want to know more about. Do you have specific questions you want answered, how to strenghten your gifts, connecting with loved ones....etc. This can be about ANYTHING you have questions about, I will try and answer quick questions in the comment section (so post your questions there and check for a response) and on Thursdays will cover specific topics that were brought up in the comment section on Tueday.

So perhaps one time will cover how to read aura's and open your mind, others to strengthen your gift, some to give you experience and stories...anything your intersted in.

What this is "not" is for readings, if you have a personal question your hoping to have answered, if its not something you want the "blog readers' to know, lets keep it to email (

This is about generic question, what ifs, world questions, anything fun, does not matter.. have a question about me? Sure.. anything pretty much is game.

An update about my sister, well, she is home from the hospital, the midwife gave her the "cocktail" to try and induce labor (her EDD is november 18) and the hospital has her on the induction list for tomorrow. Due to the pain in her kidney's they definatley want to induce rather than wait. They figure it they wait, her pain will be more, and she wont be in any condition to give birth! So hopefully in the next day or so I should be able to update with pictures of my new little nephew!!!


Lynn said...

Ok Cheri

Here's my question - Did you have this gift as a little girl or did it develop later in life (in your 20's)? If so did it freak you out when you were younger?
Great subject for later, I would like to know more about Auras.

Winter said...

I second that question. I was also wondering how to discover what method you receive in?! Through tarot, or automatic writing, plams. etc. Does one just try everything and see how well it suites?

Anonymous said...

I want to say first, I am glad that your sister has a definite schedule set and you'll be seeing your nephew soon. Good luck and wishes for her to have a quick and easy delivery.

My question would be more about hpw to develop dormant strengths, as I feel mine are 'tuned-out' much more now taht when I was younger and using them mor eoften, though randomly.

Anonymous said...

I'm happy to hear they have a plan for your sister. I hope she's relaxed & not in a lot of pain! I'll say a prayer for her!


Anonymous said...

Is there a way that you were able to focus and strengthen your gift? Sometimes I kind of daydream, and see things before they happen (nothing major). It's almost like deja vu, but it never happened before.

Cheri22 said...

Hi Lynn
I have always had this gift according to my mother, shes got countless stories of things I did. But then again, I would have to say that all children still have their gifts, its as they get older they tend to tune it out.

sometimes it is easier to open back up your gifts than most people realize.

In regards to your question Winter, I think that you best try one, and see how it "fits' and how it feels. you might find that through trying different aspects, that you open the doors to alot more than you realized.

I use channeling, my intuition and spirit guides. Others have said its similar to automatic writing.

In regards to your question anne, its actually quite easy to jump right back in with opening your gifts back up. Start by asking your spirit guides to help you tune it back in. its not "gone" just not being used. Start with one first, and strengthen it. Know that during the first few times you might experience nausea, headaches and stomach aches! All really normal!

As for strenghening your gift, what you are experincing is not "daydreams' but is actually "premonitions". I have just started getting these too. The best way to strenghten this is to accept its happening and think about it, and beleive in yourself. write down what you see and then you will start to see the pattern.

For me, it seems to happen usually a few minutes before it actually happens, so I can't write it down, but everytime this happens, I thank my spirit guides for their help and direction. I feel that its mostly them saying "hey watch out"..etc.