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Friday, June 12, 2009

Better late than "never" i always say

okay, I dont always say that, but I am today! lol.

I meant to post this last night, but for some reason it slipped my mind. I think its still a case of the stupids.

I want you to tell me something funny about yourself. Something that you dont like, and dont really understand where it comes from, or why you dont like it. For example, did you know that i HATE the happy birthday song? As a child I would literally cry when it was my birthday and people had to sing. It got to the point that my mother "threatened" me that I would no longer have anymore parties if I was going to be in tears when it came to that point (Yes mom, I do remember that! - she and her husband do read the blog! lol)

To this day, when its my birthday (which happens to be the 17th of June!!!) I really do no not like the song to be sung to me. Funny enough, every birthday party I have been to, when it comes to singing happy birthday to the birthday girl/boy, I kinda sing bits and parts, but wont really finish the whole song. Its not nearly as bad now, I think I did better with my girls birthdays this year (both girls birthdays are in may) I might have missed a few words. My best yet!

So to enter, let me know something about yourself that is kinda "quirky" or "funny" and your not sure where/how it happened and be entered to win a free reading from BROOKE777!

PS, send me an email on my birthday and have the subject line read HAPPY BIRTHDAY and get entered to win a family bypass prediction. (its always nice to have the birthday wishes! Just dont sing the song! lol)


trying1009 said...

hmm it's a hard one, you don't really think there's anything funny or quirky about yourself. But we all have something I'm sure. I can't listen to the "unsolved mysteries' theme song ever. When I was little my parents use to watch it and the music freaked me out even to this day. Werid I know....ha ha

Krystal said...

Can it be something like absolutely hating when my husband puts dirty dishes on the counter next to the sink, but I don't mind when I do it? LOL.

Honestly I can't think of anything otherwise. Just things that are probably make me a hypocrite, mostly cleaning stuff.

AH! How about I got the habit when I'm frustrated to clean the house? Yeah, that came from my mom. Nice way to get chores done though!!

lindsaycamp78 said...

I like to eat everything with the smaller salad fork or the smaller spoon. I have to eat ice cream with a baby spoon. I don't know if it's because I have a small mouth, or like taking a lot of bites of food to make me think I am eating a ton!

Marie said...

You have the same birthday as my neice and my birthday was the 10th.
Anyway...when we are putting items on the conveyor belt at Wal-Mart, they HAVE to be put a certain way in a certain order. DH gets aggravated with me, but I can't help it. I don't know what it is, but even when I take other people grocery shopping, I have to empty their cart the "right" way. I know...weird.

*I am the Veteran, and the Wife* said...

Something weird..When i get angry I start ripping stuff. paper, notebooks. old telephone books. my husband knows when i am ripping something, WATCH out!! when did this start?? hmmm i have to say it must have been when my husband was in iraq and i had to deal with his mom, I was pg and had to live with them, so I would be taken care of instead of being alone, and needless to say I tore a lot of paper during those last 6 months of his tour.. :)

Missy said...

My entire family laughs at me for this. They annoy me with it all the time and I, frankly, do not find it humorous one tiny bit!

Okay...I hate the sound of wind chimes.

There I said it! You can laugh now!

They are suppose to be this light soothing sound...and I cannot stand them. My head jerks immediately to see where they are coing from when I hear them and I have to get away from that sound! It's very quirky...I know...who hates the nice sweet sound of wind chimes, right? Me!

Anonymous said...

I hate the name Molly. And here's the story behind it.. lol. When I was little that was what my mom called our (me and my sisters) vagina.

When I was in about 3rd grade I had to be moved into a new class room because one of the girls where named Molly.

I also dislike the name Stephine. Story behind that is, my best friend (from age 2 to 7) "left me" or "cheated on me" with her friend Stephine. I say left/ cheated on because I felt SO betrayed! When I explained to her why I was upset, she freaked out (the way one would if accused of an affair,) then explained how she could have other friends. Her mother also explained it to me as I just couldn't understand how it was OK for her to not be MY friend and MY friend ONLY! Her mother ended up making her stop having anything to do with me because she thought I were to "controlive and/or jealous." :(

Miranda said...

Clicking bugs the heck out of me. My hubby will be watching tv with me and either tapping or clicking something just cause and it DRIVES ME UP THE WALL!!! The worst is in the car when I have no where to go!?

Eliza said...

I like quiet, especially when I'm going to bed. Loud noises annoy me, I'll use ear plugs to keep things quiet. I've always been a little 'noise' sensitive for a very long time.