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Tuesday, June 28, 2011
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Hello everyone! I will be away this long weekend to a place in the country with no Internet. So that i don't go through withdrawal, I would like to give away 2 readings(fertility). So I would love it if you can guess how many dogs I have, what kind they are, and if they are male/female. I know its a tough one, but use your intuitiveness and really think on it. This is a short one, I will pick winners on Friday a.m. Along with your guess then, send me an email to, in RE: put "Blog contest." I will need your info, like first names of you and partner, your birthday, how many children you have, how many miscarriages, if you are ttc right now and a picture of you if you have one. This way when I pick winners, I will have your info ready to print. I will be able to scoop up my stuff and go, I will email your readings on Tuesday a.m. July 5th or before. Remember I also have a free reading list going, and if you don't win, remember I am offering $10 TTC readings. Have a great 4th of July!!!!! Suzanne
I won't enter as I just had a reading done by Suzanne, but I just wanted to say that the reading was fantastic! Good luck everyone!
thank you Kristen!!!! if you ever need an update let me know....
Black or yellow lab and a small chiwawa mix both males
make sure you also leave your prediction here too, sorry, i know its confusing...ugh....
Ignore my email I sent this morning! I already had a reading from you Suzanne! Incredible reading btw!
even if i have read you before, we can do a free reiki,or free general reading, so feel free to comment and email me. I don't mind reading you all :)
German Shepard and Lab mix, both females.
A lab which is male and a cockapoo which is female.
I am gonna say 2 terriers! 1 male and 1 female! You seem like u would like small dogs! I dont know why I feel that about u! :)
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