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Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Hello everyone!  I will be away this long weekend to a place in the country with no Internet.  So that i don't go through withdrawal, I would like to give away 2 readings(fertility). So I would love it if you can guess how many dogs I have, what kind they are, and if they are male/female.  I know its a tough one, but use your intuitiveness and really think on it.  This is a short one, I will pick winners on Friday a.m.  Along with your guess then, send me an email to, in RE:  put "Blog contest."  I will need your info, like first names of you and partner, your birthday, how many children you have, how many miscarriages, if you are ttc right now and a picture of you if you have one.   This way when I pick winners, I will have your info ready to print.  I will be able to scoop up my stuff and go, I will email your readings on Tuesday a.m. July 5th or before.   Remember I also have a free reading list going, and if you don't win, remember I am offering $10 TTC readings.  Have a great 4th of July!!!!!    Suzanne


Kristen said...

I won't enter as I just had a reading done by Suzanne, but I just wanted to say that the reading was fantastic! Good luck everyone!

Anonymous said...

thank you Kristen!!!! if you ever need an update let me know....

Anonymous said...

Black or yellow lab and a small chiwawa mix both males

Anonymous said...

make sure you also leave your prediction here too, sorry, i know its confusing...ugh....

JennP said...

Ignore my email I sent this morning! I already had a reading from you Suzanne! Incredible reading btw!

Anonymous said...

even if i have read you before, we can do a free reiki,or free general reading, so feel free to comment and email me. I don't mind reading you all :)

Anonymous said...

German Shepard and Lab mix, both females.

Anonymous said...

A lab which is male and a cockapoo which is female.

Katie(ScooterKat) said...

I am gonna say 2 terriers! 1 male and 1 female! You seem like u would like small dogs! I dont know why I feel that about u! :)