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Saturday, June 4, 2011

Winners announced

For the secret psychic giveaway here is the two new winners!!!

NICOLE & LORI!!!! Congrats to you gals! please email me with the subject line saying "blog contest" so that I can pass you the email address of the person that you need to contact. Please remember that this is to remain a secret for two more weeks.

I would also love it, after you have received your reading that you contact me and let me know your feedback.

Stay tuned for next week where two more readings are given away!

(for those of you who are connected to my facebook page, take a peek, there is a current "question" being asked, that might lead to a facebook giveaway!)


Lori said...

Yeah, thanks Cheri, I'm so excited!

misty said...

how do I find you on fb??

Cheri22 said...

Hi misty
When your logged into facebook, in the search box at the top, type in cheri22
you will find me.

if that does not work, goto and on the top right, is the facebook symbol, it will take you to my page in facebook:)