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Monday, August 31, 2009
Hello guys and gals!
Okay, so the winner for the reading with Leah, is LORNA! Congrats to you! Please email me at and put in BLOG CONTEST in the subject line and I will forward you to leah's email. Right now my links are down from the blog, and will be up later this week with the proper contacts for everyone.
Okay, so I am now offering something new. The first FIVE people to write a comment on this post will be able to try it for FREE.. Its "Fertility Reiki". I am able to use a head to toe photo of the person and able to not only do a full reiki session, but also work on a fertility cleanse as well. This is actually better if done 5 days (or earlier) from ovulation. So if this is something that interests you, first 5 people will have it for free! (head to toe photo is MANDATORY!)
When posting your comment in the post, please include your email address or login name and then email with FERTILITY REIKI in the subject line so that I can connect you to one of the five winners. If your already past ovulation, we can always schedule the reiki for a day that's closer so feel free to still enter!
Friday, August 28, 2009
How to keep trying to concieve fun
- Step 1
Don’t let it stress you out that you aren’t pregnant yet. Nothing dampens libido like stress. Unfortunately, stress related to the results of your sex life can be the worst possible stress for your sex life! Do things outside the bedroom with your partner---and alone---to de-stress. Trying working
out , taking a yoga class, painting or another activity you enjoy. - Step 2
Stay positive. Even though you may feel like moping when it seems like everyone you have ever known and every celebrity under the sun is pregnant and you’re not, fight that urge. If you must, allow yourself one day a month to feel bad for yourself. Let the first day of your period be the first, and only, day you let yourself be negative that cycle. Know that you’re doing everything you possibly can to get pregnant and try to have faith that it will happen.
- Step 3
Try something new in bed. A new study suggests that daily sex for seven days improves the quality of your partner’s sperm. Having sex every day, however, can get a little boring. Trying something new that you’re both comfortable with can be a great way to create variety in your daily baby-dance routine. Try using a toy, watching an adult movie, buying new lingerie or sharing your fantasies with each other.
- Step 4
Vary the place and time. Get out of the bedroom---and onto the couch, the guest bed, or the living room floor! If you normally wait until bedtime, try setting your clock a little early for some morning baby-making. Anything that creates variety in your quest to conceive can make it more enjoyable.
- Step 5
Focus your efforts. Do some research online or at your library to learn when you’re most likely to conceive. You may find out you’ve been trying too early or too late in your cycle. If you’re going to try for a baby seven days in a row, you should ensure that you’re focusing your efforts on the days before, the day of, and the day after you believe you’ve ovulated. You may find that using a basal body
temperature thermometer, which can be found at most drugstores for under ten dollars, will be all you need to better plan your schedule. You can graph your temperatures yourself, or use a free website like to quickly record and graph the information. - Step 6
Give yourself a break if necessary. Sometimes, no matter how fertile you are, you or your partner just doesn’t feel up to it. Don’t beat yourselves up over it. If you’re too tired one night, try first thing the next morning. Relieving the pressure to perform on command helps mitigate stress and may even boost the romance in your sex life.
- Step 7
Know when to see a doctor. If you’ve been trying for a year and you aren’t pregnant, see your doctor. If you’re over 35, see a doctor after six months of trying. Even if it hasn’t been that long, there’s nothing wrong with making an appointment to see your doctor if you’re worried. If that peace of mind is what you need to be relaxed about the process, you should go ahead and do it!
Now this was a dream to remember!
Well, I got a good look at the baby and it had a FULL facial beard! I couldn't believe it, but thought in my head that I would have to ask my husband to shave the baby as soon as possible as I was not sure if it would just fall off on its own.
Then I remember thinking that it was strange that the baby did not wake up in the middle of the night for feeding. I remember going to look for the baby and finding it at the end of my bed. In my dream this was okay for some reason! I decided to change the babies diaper only to realize that our baby was a BOY! Now this is funny, how could someone give birth to a baby and assume gender! I think the drs for one would say what it was, if not the spouse, or heck you would see for yourself! But in my dream I did not find out what it was until the next day!
This is where my own daughter woke up at 6:30am and we have been up ever since! So no idea what other crazy things would have happened!
I figured I would look up the meaning of the dream!
To see a long beard in your dream, is representative of old age and insight, and wisdom.
To see a baby in your dream, signifies innocence, warmth and new beginnings. Babies symbolize something in your own inner nature that is pure, vulnerable, helpless and/or uncorrupted.
To see a penis in your dream, signifies sexual energy, power, aggression, and fertility.
To dream that you are changing diapers, suggests a need to clean up you behavior and change your childish ways. Perhaps you need to change your attitude and approach regarding a new idea or project.
When I figure out how this applies to me I will let you all know. I am having a feeling that its about a "lesson" or something to come. I do not think that its something currently happening , but perhaps being given the "wisdom" to have a better approach to something? That perhaps my original approach would be "naive/innocent" but they are suggesting I use my experience and wisdom for this new adventure?
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Lets get the show on the road!
So to win a free reading with Leah, just tell me if you like the new design, or would prefer me to keep looking? (either way be honest, I am not easily offended!)
I will announce the winner on Sunday as usual. Everyone who comments is entered to win. Winner is drawn randomly.
UPDATED - I have already changed the way it looks. Once someone made the mention of coca cola, that was all I could see! And yes, everyone was right, I too thought the logo was clashing.. This one should be easier on your eyes, but thinking it might be too plain.. but an improvement from the last one?
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
The worse thing to do is research symptoms on the internet!
I know with the shallow breathing I start to concentrate on it more, trying to make sure that it goes back to normal, and it gets to the point where I "almost" panic about it and either have a bit of anxiety or about to hyperventilate! lol. I know, not good and best to see if ignoring it makes it go away, otherwise perhaps going to the dr to have it figured out.
I think that now that I am 33, health concerns are more on my mind. I want to make sure that I am as healthy as possible, and that I am here to watch my daughters grow up. My daughter actually asked me the other day that when she turns a teenager will I still be alive. I told her "I hope so" and she said "me too".
Does anyone else think like this? Its not all the time for me as I know when its time to go, its time to go, but I guess I hope my time here is long. I have always thought I would make it to 83 so I guess "time will tell"
Blog Design?
I figured I was getting bored with the "old" look and needed something new. Do you think that this might be a mid life blog crisis? Ha ha!
I have found some sites that allow free blog templates downloads and have been trying a few to see what fits and what does not. So if you show up and it looks one way and then its changed, its not you seeing things, its me messing around!
Tomorrow is another free giveaway, this time for LEAH!! Stay tuned!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
I think that everyone is kinda in the same boat
Okay the winner is TAMARIN! Please email me at and in the subject line please put SECRET PSYCHIC and I will forward your email to the person who will answer your question. Please remember that by emailing you are agreeing to not pass out her information for another 4 weeks!
Next Tuesday is the next giveaway for the secret psychic!
Now tonight, I took a much needed "night off". Where it was not just from work online (scheduled my readings so I did not have anything for tonight) but also from the "family" as well. I had a me night where I went out to a movie with a friend. I watched Post Grad. I had never heard of it, did not see any credits (there are no movie trailers when your watching Barney videos!) so I kinda went in with no expectations. It was a cute movie, funny in some parts and "oh my goodness" in others. Its really worth seeing especially on cheap movie night. Its definitely a girl movie. I also loved the ending, but won't say why so I don't give it away!
Tonight also allowed me to get off not having to put baby to bed either. My husband says I can't call her baby any more, but I guess its still coming out like that! Every night I bath her, get her ready for bed, and then let her sit on my lap, she passes out and I put her to bed. Not because my husband can't or wont, but I guess I have just done this routine EVERY NIGHT since she was born. So feels a bit weird not to have done it tonight, but according to my husband (and my daughter) she went to bed perfectly fine with no fussing or crying. So looks like I might have to step out again in the near future!
Its the secret psychic time!
I have to say that I am looking forward to my daughter heading to grade one this year. Not only is our kindergarten out here only 2 hours long which means you have to stay close to home to be able to pick up, but it is kinda just smack in the middle of the day. This year, shes in full days, which she is excited about but so am I! Shes been driving me crazy lately. I didn't realize that 6 year old develop their attitude this early! Shes been a bit mouthy/rude. I don't think she intends it to be this way, but its the way it comes out. I have to remind her to not say things like that, but sometimes its really hard. Not to mention shes recently applied for her back seat drivers licence. Yes, you got that right, shes my little back seat driver!
I can be driving around, and she says "mom, that lane over there is going faster, move over". Or "mom, I thought you said you were turning here, hurry up and do it". I have told her that the light was red, and I was not allowed to turn yet, or that the other lane was ending soon, or even that the next exit was mine, but she likes to tell me when to go if the light is green, when I should turn.... sometimes its funny, other times it drives me crazy! lol. My husband figures that when shes 16 (the legal age to drive out here) shes already going to know how to drive. He drove the other day and she tells him to get into the other lane, and then he says "i know what I am doing" lol. At least its not only to me.
Shes getting such independent. She is starting to grow her wings and try and "fly the coop" a bit more. She wants to play out front of the house, but I still will only let her play in the backyard (unsupervised). She wants to be able to walk to the park alone (5 min walk if that) but I don't think I am ready for that. She feels more confident, and I just want to keep her close! lol. I am trying to give her more responsibility to allow her to feel more "grown up" but not too much!
So lets get to the secret psychic. I am going to make this easy. What is the age you would let your child play outside in the front yard unsupervised? (not a busy street) That's it.. just answer the question and your entered to win! Winner is announced WEDNESDAY!
Please remember, that whoever does win, that you need to keep the secret psychci secret (say that 5 times fast!) for 4 more weeks. After that feel free to pass out her information if you were impressed with her reading!
Good luck!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Congrats to....
I have also been told it was okay to start Leah in with the current rotation of give aways!!! So you guys and gals are lucky!!! That's FIVE of us now on this blog giving away readings to lucky people!
Also I was really excited to see that quite a few of you were getting the number eights. I actually used to figure it out as I find that when it comes to "signs" and "symbols' this is the best place to do a search!
Here is what the "eight" stands for
Eight stands for power of authority, success, karma, material gains, regeneration, and wealth.
I do think that every ones interpretations where correct though with what they asked and what they saw.. And in regards to the twins interpretation, how cool is it that you got further connection to twins after you asked them to send you a sign and verify!!!
Don't forget everyone, Tuesday is the secret psychic give away!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
I got stung by a bee :(
Well, as every Thursday seems to bring, today is a blog contest again and today we are giving away a free reading with ELISABETH!
To be able to win, you need to do the following.
I want you to get a piece of blank paper. I want you to take a pencil in your hand and close your eyes, I want you to scribble around in any direction not really paying attention to your lines. I want you to ask your guides to send you a message that pertains to an issue in your life.
After you have asked three times (while scribbling) I want you to stop, open your eyes and take a look. Do you have any letters on the page? are there any images that you can see? Did you feel anything while doing this exercises (some people who have empath abilities will pick up on emotions/feelings while doing this rather than receiving an image on their paper)
So you have until Sunday to give this a try. I will announce the winner Sunday night. All I ask is that you try it, you can enter even if it did not work for you, but would love to hear every ones experience!
Good luck!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Congrats to!!!!
Stay tuned for the blog contest on Thursday and next Tuesday secret psychic!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
The new secret psychic!!!
Every Tuesday for the next 6 weeks, I will feature her as a give away to one lucky person. This person will be able to contact her with a question or a fertility reading. She will let you know what information she needs from you. All I ask, is that you PLEASE keep her a secret until the 6 weeks have been completed and I have announced who she is on my blog. After that, you can share your results and experience with everyone.
So to make it fun and start this giveaway off on the right foot (or left if you prefer) its going to be easy. Anyone and everyone who is interested in trying her out, just post in the comments section with your email address OR login name so that you can be announced the winner. Winner will be announced on WEDNESDAY and will be drawn randomly from the people who have entered!
Good luck!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Congrats to (drum roll please)
Okay, on a side note, everything is set up and ready to go in regards to the next secret psychic!!!! How exciting! I have the post already set up and will be published 8am tomorrow morning for those of you who would like to enter. This contest will be every Tuesday for the next 6 weeks before I announce her to everyone who would like to try her out. Shes got a unique talent with astrology and is a natural for it. I am sure those of you who connect with her will feel the positive energy from her and feel at ease with her as I have.
Not much new on my front, so wont bore you with the babble. I do ask though, that someone find me a way to get "unaddicted" to farm town. I can't stop dreaming about farming and I am driving myself crazy with it!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
I met the Jonas Brothers!!!
After the song was over, I headed back stage to thank the guys for doing the concert. I walked up to them and the "middle brother" (I don't really know there names! How bad is that!) was only TWO FEET TALL!. I was a bit shocked on how short he was in person, only to realize that these three boys were ROBOTS! Can you imagine my surprise! I had to laugh at the fact that everyone was a bit "duped" with them being robots. I walked away laughing only to see the real Jonas brothers outside getting ready to go into their trip bus and away from the fans.
This is all that I remembered. I know I woke up and thought it was a fairly hilarious dream! Especially the gardening gloves. I think it means I have been playing farm town too much!
So also have an announcement...working with a new astrologer who does fertility astrology. (among other things). shes going to be the next secret psychic. We are just ironing out the details, so please stay tuned. I was hoping to have her up by Tuesday, but it might be the following week!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
What do you see? Another give away!
This is a give away reading for a free reading with lyuda! All you have to do is tell me what you see or feel when looking at this picture of clouds! I will announce the winner on SUNDAY! Anyone who enters this contest is eligible to win!
On a side note I got my daughter into the DR yet AGAIN, and he looked in both ears, they were both fine! Can you believe that? The first time I take her in there and her ears are not infected! Yeah baby! However, now her throat is;) lol. He said to hold off and see if she gets better on her own. He thinks this might be viral and said to wait out a few days. If it does not go away in that time frame, then to come back and see him and he will give her an antibiotic. I would rather avoid medication so I have my fingers crossed that its just going to go away! Today was better so far so good!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
please don't let this be a premonition!
Fast forward another 15 minutes and lo and behold another very LARGE plane, not the exact same as what I had seen, but slightly different. Again, this horrible sense of dread came over me again, and I was worried it was going to be a repeat of 9/11! Now isn't that funny? I pointed out the plane to my eldest (Shes 6) and asked her if shes ever seen a plane that big before. She laughed and said "mommy, its a jumbo jet". I asked if she had any feelings about it (she has good intuition too) and she said no.
I know its close to 9/11 so perhaps my sense of dread is just with seeing how large the planes were and being surprised by it. I do know that there is an airshow coming to town I believe this weekend coming?
Anyways else see something that they could not explain why they felt "awful" about seeing it?
And as I am sure no one is surprised, I think the "baby" has ANOTHER ear infection! this is CRAZY! Before she would just get one from a cold, now, shes getting one from teething! Hoping I can get her into the Dr yet AGAIN tomorrow morning. Wish me luck!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Then today, my husband suggests leaving tomorrow to go until Sunday and invite my sister and her family along. I asked him about his UFC fight he insisted we had to be home for on Saturday and he says that its not on till the following weekend. Fast forward an hour later, he calls me back, nope, the UFC is THIS Saturday so we are back to not going anywhere and he hopes I did not call my sister already. Thank goodness I had not!
I don't usually do "me" things during the day as I usually have my girls, but today arranged for my MIL to come over, and I went out and got my hair done. Something I have not done for over 3 years. Just some highlights put in. I went to staples, Zellers and such to get a birthday present for my dad, and the rest of the school stuff my daughter needs to start grade one. I get back to the house, pull into the driveway and my husband races over. He starts to freak out telling me that I hit the trailer and smashed in the front part of my grill.. really, cause I did not feel anything! I get out, and yep, my van is right against the hitch for my trailer. But you would think I would have felt me hitting it and I did not. So in my defense, I must have just bumped it as the van is FINE and so is the trailer and I felt nothing.
Then DH has to go and give me this big "speech" about how to drive the van and park it in the driveway.. like what the heck? Can you tell I was a bit annoyed? I had a great start to my day, to make a TINY mistake and hes telling me how to drive like I just learned. ARG! Needless to say I burst into tears and told him to go away! lol. He later came and apologized. He couldn't understand how i could hit the trailer and not realize it, but noticed there is no damage to the grill or any other parts of the van. I let him know I did not need him telling me how to drive or commenting on what happened. It was an ACCIDENT!
Oh well, just needed to vent!
Hope everyone is having a great summer!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Supplements that are beneficial for PCOS…
Baby and Me Prenatal
A major part of decreasing the effects of PCOS and preparing the uterine lining is to take a prenatal multivitamin. Making sure your body has all of the nutrients necessary is a lot easier when you are taking a multivitamin. My favorite is the 100% whole food Baby and Me from Mega Food. Synthetic multivitamins won’t have the same effect.
Vitex Extract (Chaste Tree Berry) is one of the most powerful herbs for women’s fertility and menstrual health. There are numerous studies and testimonials of Vitex and it’s effects on the body. One of the reasons Vitex is so effective for women who are not ovulating due to PCOS, is because of its ability to balance hormones while not containing hormones itself. Vitex supports hormonal balance in the body by having an effect on the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis (hormonal feedback loop), correcting the problem at the source.
If you have PCOS use 15 to 20 mg of progesterone cream daily for the last two weeks of your cycle.
DIM balances the hormones and aids in the breakdown of estrogen. Estrogen is a major culprit to many of the fertility issues women face today including PCOS.
Eating essential fatty acids (EFA’s) helps you to lose weight, produce balanced hormones, and creates a healthy environment for conception. EFA’s have been shown to support hormonal balance and production.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Help from beyond?
My journey and story of this pregnancy are odd. I have 2 other children. My daughter (born 02/09/2002) was a birth control accident, so when we decided to go for number 2, I figured it would be easy. 11 months later I got a positive test, and that October I had a son. It was amazing. We were very content with 2 children, but then suddenly in 2007 baby fever hit. So after discussion my husband and I decided I would stop getting the depo provera shot.
I had no idea at the time, but going on the shot was the worst thing I could have done for my body, I bled horribly and once I quit I didn't get a period for 7 months. We still tried for a baby, although I highly doubted I was ovulating. No DR I talked to would help me until I had been off the shot for at least a year, preferably 18 months. So if I got pregnant, it was going to have to be on my own, I tried temping, but I am easily frustrated and gave up.
What I believe really happened, and it depends on what you believe is:
On April 8th, 2009 my best friend, and Godmother of my daughter, passed away. Her death has touched me like nothing else. She knew how hard it was for me to get pregnant with my son. She had been there for both my pregnancies. On July 30th (on what would have been her 30th
birthday) I went about my usual routine and went to the laundromat. While waiting for the clothes to dry, i heard her voice telling me to buy a pregnancy test. So although I was only 5 days late (which was normal after the depo shot) and I didn't really feel like wasting the
money. I stopped at the drug store and bought the tests.
When I got home I took the first one and put it on the counter and picked up a magazine to read After I picked it up I looked over, and my test had 2 lines! I couldn't believe it, so I took the other 2 in the next few hours and they were all positive!
It's hard to say, and depends on what you believe, but I truly believe my friend in Heaven blessed me with this child she knew I wanted so bad.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Great results everyone!
So the winner is lucky number 3, Patty! Congrats. You can just email Brooke777 and let her know that your the winner of the blog contest. Her email address should be linked below.
Tomorrow night I have a storey of inspiration that I think is awesome for you to read so check back!