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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

6 years of trying, and finally a bfp!

I have another positive trying to conceive storey that my client has said I can share.

This email came in a few different emails so I have copied/pasted them so that the information is here for you all to read!

Hi Cheri,
I just found out 2 days ago that I'm pregnant after 6 years of trying!! You were right, and I wanted to let you know. Thank you!!


We had tried for 6 years, using Clearblue Fertility Monitor for most of the time. I started taking Geritol Complete a month and a half ago, which is what I think did it for us. I had used preseed once this cycle. Had used it before with no results. This is our first child with no losses. I had tested from 10-15 dpo with negatives, and at 20 dpo I got 2 lines. =D Estimated due date of 10/23/09.

We had one visit with a RE who diagnosed us with unexplained infertility. He gave me a prescription for Clomid, and I was to take it and come back for other tests and a HSG. We never went back for that second visit and I never started the clomid. I found out about Geritol from the TWW site. There was a thread under TTC Naturally. Figured it couldn't hurt. I started taking Geritol on day 11 of 2nd to last cycle and continued until I got 2 lines, then switched to prenatal


(As always mentioned, you need to consult your dr before trying anything on your own. You never know when something you are taking might not be compatible with something else. This is just one persons storey on what worked for them and might work for others. Please research everything before you decide to take it, so you can make an informed decision.)


Niki said...

Congrats to her!
Her story gives me hope :)

Anonymous said...

Don't give up or get discouraged. It will happen!!!
