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Tuesday, December 29, 2009
New Years Resolutions.....
I would love to hear everyone else's goals as well. No matter how big, or little, how funny or how sad it is! I would also love to hear your own personal growth goals, either with something in your life or areas of your own psychic abilities that you would love to grow.
For me, I would love to further connect with loved ones who have passed over. To overcome my own "fear" with them showing up right in front of my eyes, and being able to help even more people in this aspect. (while still continuing to strengthen my other areas as well)
For those of you who leave a comment, you will be entered to win one of my FAMILY BYPASS predictions!!! (25.00$ value). I will leave this contest open until THURSDAY!!!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Premonitions - Questions are answered!
My youngest even gave the little penguin a hug and a kiss goodbye as I stored him away into the closet. My eldest (who is 6) seems to be a bit upset that all of the stuff is going away. I might have to next year leave it up a few days longer to make her happier. We will see. It really does drive me nuts seeing it sitting there and taunting me that I will eventually have to put it away!
Okay, what I have done is copied/pasted the questions from the premonition blog and answered in another color. I thought this would be easier for everyone rather than having to go back to the original post. I have written in blue! Please feel free to comment in the comment section if you have any questions about the questions or even the answers that I have given!
Andrea B. said...
I have a question about premonitions. Can they come in the form of dreams, or would the dreams be called something else?
Premonitions can definitely come into dreams! Which is why I do tell people to pay attention to the stronger dreams that they have. The ones where the details just seem to remain with them. Does not mean immediately that its a premonition, but it can certainly have some importance in their life at the time. I used to have a dream journal where I wrote everything down. I think that this can be important for those of you who remember their dreams frequently. As many times I have said before, use to translate important features in your dream.
After enough translating, and looking back to your own dream journal or remembering certain aspects of your dream, you will learn how to tell when its a premonition or when its information provided to you by your guides to help in your own life.
I have had a few premonitions dreams, where I dreamt about someone in particular, at that point the next morning I have called that person or passed on a message, and its always been that the certain person needed that information, or was trying to get in contact with me. Most times, my own premonitions are in real time and not dreams.
Patty D. said...
Can a person develop his or her ability to have premonitions?..I have had feelings but not like visions that something might go wrong or happen...its really funny though when I have in the past had those feelings I would be like wow I was just thinking that...its really wild...
In regards to developing the premonitions, yes, I do think that its something that you can develop further. I myself have just opened up this area of my own gifts in the last two years and have noticed it becoming stronger the more in tuned I am to what is happening. As of right now, your "feelings" are more the work of your guides and your own intuition coming into play. If you start to work with your feelings and guides, you will later "see" the visions rather than only experiencing feelings:)
Anonymous said...
Question about are you able to distinguish a premonition from a phobic fear? For instance, myself, I have fears of many things; flying, car accidents, etc. Coincidentally I feel as though I am constantly having a premonition that something is going to happen if I choose to do one of those OR is it just that I am trying to plan what I could do to help the situation if it did happen. Is it the fear playing tricks in my head, or the premonition that something could have happened. Understandably, I have had more subtle premonitions quite often throughout my life time, which I find so amazing and fun most of the time! But the question is when it comes to fear, particularly phobias, do the phobias play a bigger part over premonition because the nature of them being a fear? Does that make sense?
~KatrinaThis is a tricky question and hopefully one I can answer in the right way. I think that phobia is alot stronger and produces a sense of fear/anxiety in yourself. Where as a premonition is alot more subtle. The premonitions are more of a way to "warn" you of something to come, to help prepare you physically, mentally and emotionally of something to happen immediately. I guess if you decided to try and alter the course of something you are feeling is about to happen, you could actually be diverting yourself from some important life lessons? In regards to my premonitions of myself getting into a car accident, I actually see in a vision a car coming at me (not the same way each time) so in this instance, its not telling me to get out of my car and stay home for the day, they are telling me to keep my eyes open, to be focused and prepared so that I might react in a way to keep myself safe. So premonitions are not usually cause for alarm, and are more ways to prepare you for what is to come.
While having a fear coming into mind, surround yourself in light (white is usually the best) and say "only goodness may enter me, and only goodness may leave me". Then tell yourself "my body is feeling relaxed and without fear". If you were experiencing just a phobia/fear usually you will feel better and your mind will be more clear, rather than playing out the "disastrous" image that was in your mind and playing out to what could have happened, what your reaction would be, h ow you feel...etc.. playing out the scenario in your mind and making your phobia/anxiety/fear that much worse. By saying and doing what I mentioned, it breaks the cycle in your mind and allows you to refocus.
Candy218 said...
I really don't get any premonitions. I don't see anything, I get a feeling in my gut. So I guess I'll have to work on this, I feel it could be useful at times. I might have a dream the night before something happens and it'll show something going wrong, and then usually that thing goes wrong....but like Andrea said, can they come in dreams like that?
cbThe feelings in your gut is more your intuition than premonitions, but yes, you could have your gift developed in your dreams and eventually able to get it into the waking life. For some reason though it seems like you have it more "blocked' in your waking life. Almost like your afraid to see the images? Which could explain why its so much easier for you to see it in your dreams than to access it right now.
Lynn said...
I did have an experience with premonition only a few times that i remember. This was probably about 10 years ago and i had thought about my car breaking down and couldn't get it started. So i didn't think anything more about it that day. Sure enough i dropped my son off at daycare one morning car was perfectly fine going there. I parked shut off the car and brought my son into the centre came back out and tried to start it and it wouldn't turn over. Thought it was very odd that it started ok that morning. I always remember the premonition though. I know i've had more but can't remember them at this moment.
I think in this instance, your reaction to what happened with your car was certainly more calm than it would have been if it had just happened and you were not warned. Perhaps they just wanted to give you the heads up so that you would not be panicked or worried for when it happened.
Anonymous said...
I'm not in the first 5 but I thought I'd post anyone. I have silly premonitions but I often know what song will play next on the radio. I hope someday that my premonitions are a little less boring !! My bf on the other hand will have dreams and then months later part of the dream will actually happen. Sometimes he's like "wait a minute, I thought that happened 2 months ago"
DanielleThis is the perfect way to get it started and to grow this portion of your gift! Silly premonitions are the best kind as its more fun than worrisome ones!
Katie said...
I've been getting these since I was a kid but only notice them with big events. When I was about 10 I *knew* that my lil bro's friend was going to fall out of our tree and break his arm. I ran outside to tell him to climb out of the tree and as he did, he fell out and fractured it. I have also had images of car crashes and changed my usual course only to find out there was an accident. More recently I kept seeing myself getting a + OPK and finding out I was prego and sure enough, it happened just like I saw it. There are several times I wished I could have seen in advance what would happen but maybe I'm just not meant to or don't pay attention enough.
I think sometimes we are just too busy to notice all of the premonitions we are blessed with.. but also sometimes its certainly nice to be surprised!!!!
Tracy said...
I also have premonitions, sometimes dumb stuff like sitting somewhere I have never been but I have been there before if you know what I mean. Also I went to see one of my friends that had just had a baby, upon leaving I had a flash of that baby in the hospital and then a funeral. 2 days later they rushed their baby to the hospital where she died from a hole in her heart.... Then there was the time I was driving and was told to turn around several times seeing a car accident in my minds eye, but I shrugged it off and went on. I few miles down the road I rolled the truck. Oh and one more. I had a dream or day dream that I was selling puppies next to a big red barn a few years later we had moved to a place with a big red barn and I had a litter of puppies the first pup I sold was the dream or premonition that I had down to what kind of car and clothing the lady was wearing that bought that pup. For me I wish I could see really really important things instead of these littler things with very little meaning.
This is one of your stronger gifts, and one that you should cherish and grow. They show it really strong within you and something that will help you in your life and those around you. I know exactly what you mean about the "deja vu" type premonitions that can happen later down the road. Those are often ones that you are not totally prepared for as they happen later in life and its only after its happened, that you remember you were already "warned!". I once was living in a basement suite and had a nightmare that I rented the place out to this creepy guy. I still to this day remember the way he looked... everything about him. Anyways, I had to work and asked my sister to interview the people that ended up replying to my ad. She told someone that he could have the room and I met him two weeks later.. it was the creepy guy from my dream! Lets just say that not only was I pissed at my sister for allowing him to be the guy that rented the room, but also that I ensured that he was only there temporarily! I do believe that these type of premonitions are not as "common" for people as the ones that happen shortly before the actual event, but are still important. Make sure to start writing things like this down. You will be amazed on how much actually comes through and plays an important part in your life!
Anonymous said...
I have had premonitions in my life but none of them have ever been tied to fear. I have also had premonitions where I was supposed to be going to a lion preserve and I went to a museum instead because the preserve was closed. While I was at the museum I looked at a strange machine. This I had had in a premonition. My premonitions always happen about a year in advance and I never seem to remember them until there happening again. The point is, even though I wasn't supposed to be at the museum that day according to my schedule I still saw a vision from there so, if you have an instinct or premonition about an accident you cannot avoid it no matter what.
My aunt is very sensitive about people and she one time was going to a race and she felt sick and every ounce of her body told her to not go. She knew that someone was going to die and someone did. So unless you have an extremely instinctive feeling in your gut then I believe that you may be letting your phobias get to you.
As for dealing with your case of dealing with your premonition/phobia mix-up I am at a loss beyond this point. Hope I didn't blather too long... Hope this helps!
Emily said...
I have had quite a lot of premonitions in my life. Or at least I think so. They usually are soundless segments where I see something happening and know the meaning of what someone is saying even thought i cannot truly hear them. I have tried to remember my premonitions and dreams but they disappear when I wake up. Does anyone know a trick to remember their dreams in time to write them down?
Some of my premonitions include a horse show, seeing a scene from a trip, and a lot of other smaller premonitions. I usually see them a year in advance.
One last thing. i had this scary dream, as I prefer to think of it, and it was crystal clear. It depicted my farm and a car and it was summer.(Very basic description) The car was a beautiful red sporty thing. And I saw my family friend break her neck on the hood. The reason why it was scary was because a while later my mom bought the same model of car. Now I haven't heard of anyone else remembering their premonitions so maybe it was just a bad dream but the way that things seem to just be fitting together scares me. Has anyone heard of someone remembering a premontion, or am I freaking out due to a bad dream seeming to come true. Anyone, please give me your take on my situation. Thanks.
EmilyThanks emily for sharing your information above. As for your dreams and wanting to remember, yes, there is a trick to it! Before heading to bed, with your eyes closed and your palms facing up, just tell your guides you would like to remember your dreams when you wake up.. say this three times before you goto sleep... usually if the dream (or premonition dream) is important, you will remember all the details. Be careful of what you ask though, as you will remember even the crazy or stupid dreams! lol. As for the car dream, just make sure that you tell the friend that you had seen, to stay away from the car and dont exactly explain the reasoning behind it. Just let her know that you had a horrible dream that you can't shake and would feel better that she stays away from your mothers car while at that location:) It is something you are meant to prevent:)
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
quick post...
Please take a look at the reading below as well. Leah wrote an introductory post to show you who she is. Feel free to ask her questions.
I will post on Sunday as well to go over the questions asked in the premonition post about fears versus knowledge.
A New Blogger in Town!!
So to start off let me share my story of how I came into doing readings. I was born into a psychic family. My mom was a psychic medium and a minister of a Spiritualist church and my dad was a trance medium. At the age of 4 i gave my first hands on healing to my mom when she was recovering from surgery. Growing up, I really wasn't comfortable with my abilities, and and tried to do my best to hide them when i was in school so I could fit in. ( As a side note, I want to add that I knew Cheri in high school but neither of us knew of the others abilities back then and have just reconnected this last year and to learn that we have much more in common then either or us really realised!)
It wasn't until my early 20s, after my father passed that i started to really take an interest in developing my abilities. With the help of my mom and another lady that became a mentor to me and taught me in so many ways, I really started to advance and come into my gifts. I started doing free readings for friends, and friends of friends with tarot cards and learning psychometry (the ability to read the energy from an object). After awhile i found the tarot cards were too restrictive for me and I just used psychometry. Whether it be from a personal object of the client or connecting to their energy through their name, this is the way i do readings today.
When i do a reading i am able to connect with a loved one that has passed on. On occasion, I am able to see past lives of the client if it is required for healing in this life. I am also able to see future events with fairly good accuracy. But I will only tell the client of these events if my guides allow me to do so. I also help with emotional blockages. Explaining the blockages to the client, I help them to move past whatever is standing in their way of living a more fulfilling life.
So i think that about covers it for this entry. If you would like to order a reading, or have any question about me or my services, please visit my site at or you can email me at
So until next time, I wish you all the Brightest of Blessings for the holiday season.
Love and Light,
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Premonitions... can be fun... if you pay attention!
(A premonition is an impression, often perceived as a warning, of a future event (from the Latin praemonēre, to forewarn : prae-, pre- + monēre, to warn). It bears similarities to the concept of second sight in that it frequently comes in the form of a paranormal vision or as a vivid dream.)
This is a gift of mine that has slowly been developing over the last year to a year and a half. I usually get premonitions about a few minutes before something is to happen. Usually just enough time for me to react, or to prepare myself for what is to come.
Its been "Simple" things.. I remember a time when I had my daughter and her friend and we went to this place that gave the girls balloons. As we drove home, I had "seen" one of the girls balloons go flying up into the sky. So moments later, when I pulled into our driveway, I explained to the girls to grab their balloons before we got out so that they would not loose them. Thus I felt I prevented what I had seen. Well a minute later, the one girl accidentally let her balloon go just as I had seen and she was just as upset too.
Other times, I am warned of accidents. This usually gets my "radar" going and I pay close attention to driving. I am usually driving slower, eyes wide open and focused (not that I drive crazy any other time, but i really pay attention when given a premonition of an accident). I have seen MANY close calls where I have been able to avoid it myself because I was prepared.
Other times, Its funny and I certainly have to laugh at what I am shown. My friend is away for a few months on business, and I am picking up their mail. I drove there on Saturday to grab their mail and about 5 minutes before I got there, I had a premonition that the key would not be where I put it, and that I should put it in this other place of my purse for better safe keeping. So I was shown the zipper part I normally keep my iphone and the mailbox key, and then shown the little pocket where I "should" keep it. I made a mental note to do just that when I got there. Well I arrived, went to the pocket where I keep the key and my iphone and it was GONE :(. They wont be back till Jan or possibly longer and I was mad at myself for loosing this key. Knowing how often I use the iphone for various things and opening and closing that pocket (it has a zipper) I knew would only be a matter of time before this happened. Well... this is when the other part of the premonition came into play. I checked the small pocket where I planned to keep the key and what do you know.. it was there! I guess they were showing me what was to happen. That the key would not be there, and that i had moved it into the smaller pocket. They tried to show me ahead of time so I would be better prepared and not panic like I did.
This is a gift that can be useful and can also be more of a pain!
I found an article that answers more frequent questions I think you should check out.
Premonition article, click here
So this post is also a give away! The first 5 people to post in the comments section with either a question about premonitions or posting about their own premonitions they have had, all win a free bypass reading from me!!!!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
The winner!
This week has been a bit crazy for me. I seem to have yet another cold. This one is coughing and sore throat which I have gotten from my eldest! (She had it first so I am going to blame her for this one!) So far, my husband and little one have skipped this one for that I am thankful. I had to sleep on the couch propped up last night as I could not stop coughing when I was laying down in my bed ready to sleep. So hopefully tonight will be better. I took a Tylenol cold early so that hopefully the cough would be "hidden" when I head to bed.
Anyways, the winner of the blog contest and a reading with Leah is post number 9 (Kate). Congrats to you! Please email me at and in the subject line write "blog contest" and I will forward you to Leah's email address. Congrats!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Do you feel that?
Ever notice that you are in a really good mood but get around certain people and you just feel drained? Completely opposite to what you started off as?
or having a good time and feeling a bit anxiety or depressed for no reason at all?
Sometimes even knowing that something is wrong with someone even though they have their "happy face" on..
Before we get too far indepth, take this fun little quiz to see where you sit with the development of your gift. Some people will have this area of their gifts more tuned than others, but we all have this ability (the quiz is fun!)
This is what I got.
You Scored as Healer Empath
As a Healer Empath, you possess the gift of healing and the ability to transmute pain into light. Visit us at
Healer Empath | 100% |
Balanced Empath | 100% |
Human Empath | 100% |
Clairvoyant Empath | 94% |
Communication Empath | 86% |
Physical Empath | 80% |
Energy Empath | 50% |
Animal Empath | 17% |
I really feel that if you are really strong in this area of your gifts, that you should learn to protect yourself. So that you are not left feeling drained, depressed or emotional when you should be feeling happy, energetic and at ease.
If you find yourself in a situation where you are feeling overwhelmed, please please find a reason to pop into the bathroom for even just a moment. I want you to surround yourself with white light. I want you to start at your toes and imagine it floating upwards and right over your head to encase you in a white light cocoon. Then I want you to say "only goodness may enter me, and only goodness may leave me". This is the first step in making sure that any negative situations (or even negative people and energy!) are not going to get the best of you. You should notice right away yourself feeling "less attached' to the emotion of the current situation or person. If your still having troubles of letting it go, then I want you to see yourself wearing a little half apron. This is tied at your waist and is white. I want you to see from your waist, strings of light that attach you to this person or issue that is currently troubling you. I want you to in your mind, take a pair of scissors and I want you to see yourself cutting these strings so that they are not longer attached. This too will help release any negative energy attached to you by this person or this issue.
If you are finding that your house is just feeling "negative" or someone came into your house that was putting this energy around that was dragging you down.. or your just feeling constantly depressed for no reason, I want you to do this. Take a white candle (does not have to be scented) and go into each of your rooms. Start in the left corner closest to where you walked and walk to each four corners (clock wise) with your lite candle.. and say "if you are not from the light, please leave. Only goodness may enter here and only goodness may leave". This DOES work! You should feel a difference right away! This can be done as often as you feel you need it.
Sometimes when loved ones come to visit or even others who have passed over, if its more of a "negative" energy, they too can leave a mark. Some of us are more attuned to their passing through and end up feeling a bit moody, depressed or anxious for no apparent reason. I think when you feel this way, trying any of the options above will really help you with ridding yourself of this feeling and allowing you to take control of your day and get your mood back on track:)
To be able to open up this gift for those of you wishing to grow it, my biggest word of advice, practice protecting yourself first to ensure that you can use your gift to the max rather than having yourself feeling overwhelmed to the point you end up feeling too much and getting drained or depressed. There are MANY people out there with their energies a bit more in a negative mind frame.
This ability is about listening and then feeling. Often being able to just open yourself up to the abilities as it comes, and once you start to realize that the emotions you are feeling are not just you "thinking" that is how the person is feeling but actually realizing this is being transmitted to you by the other person or the situation.
Well today is also a blog contest. Leah is back on board after sometime off and has given me permission to start handing out her readings for free again. All you have to do to enter is either comment about your own empathic abilities, or ask a question about this area of psychic gifts!
Winner will be announced WEDNESDAY!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Recognizing & Communicating with your Angels
Hello Again!
How are you all? How did your manifesting go? I got some amazing emails from some of you who were offered new jobs--met boyfriends or found money within days of the post on manifesting--and everyone had the same story about how "out of the blue" the phone call about the job was & how perfect yet odd the situation that came to them was. I was thrilled--and reminded to do manifesting for myself --I get so busy I forget to do it but I'm the one talking about how great it is! It can work for you positively or negatively--whatever you are vibrating--you will receive.
So anyways-this month I wanted to talk about Angels.
Angels are a topic I love but haven't always known much about or done much work with. I have been reading up on Angels and thought I'd share some information on Angels that I not only found to be interesting but-but also believable-as this type of information is usually greeted with skepticism...Its information I could verify for myself as being true or making sense--and I thought maybe it would resonate with you too.
I have seen some things in my house lately that made me start thinking about angels...We used to joke that we have a ghost-a nice ghost-who seems to be here to- misplace my boyfriends things (angel with a sense of humor-it is funny to watch him searching) or to swing in Miles's swing/sit on the couch and/or take items from the center of a table that are still and make them fly off and land in various places. We would comment on our nice ghost until I realized--maybe its an angel? A somewhat new duplex in San Diego just doesn't scream "ghost" to me-and there is nothing scary about this presence....An Angel willnever feel creepy--while a ghost may.
Then I remembered how I would go see my old spiritual counsellor Dorothy-she would talk about how when I came over the room was filled with spirit guides, angels and animals. She would point to the open seat next to me on the couch--and say-- "Elisabeth-see how that cushion is indented? Its because Angel " " is sitting next to you--" or her cat would freak out and she would mention how many beings were in the room. Ummmmm to be honest---I thought she was either full of it--off her rocker--or trying to make me feel good about myself at the time.....But now I find myself recalling things she said and finding it to correspond to other information I'm learning about Angels or to just be something I ignored then but seems significant now.
S0-what are some signs of Angels being around? Well we all have Angels & Spirit Guides that are there with us while we live our lives. Sometimes we have more-if we invoke them or ask for their help. An important lesson in working with Angels & asking for divine guidance is that Angels will not help you or assist you unless you ask for it-its considered meddling otherwise, unless it is a near death experience and then there is a different way of letting them assist you. So-if you want to know more about your angels or want their help with a certain problem-make sure you let them know you WANT their help! I was stunned when I read this--Whoops~ I assumed they just "knew" when I wanted help. I read this last week in one of Doreen Virtues books--an expert and author on Angels who I highly recommend.
Sighs of Angelic Presences:
1. Indentation on the couch or the seat is already warm like someone was just sitting on it-but no one was
2. Seeing flickering lights or flashes
3. Smelling wafts of smoke or of flowers when there are none of either around
4. Watch your animals-If you feel a presence in the room and your pets are acting funny and almost looking at people-chances are there are Angels or Spirit Guides around
5. Finding Feathers-Feathers are messages from Angels
Your Guardian Angels & Their Purpose:
We all have Guardian Angels-some of us have 1 some have more than 1. Some clairvoyants are good at seeing who your angels are and what their purpose is. I enjoyed doing this when I learned Theta. How would you know what you may have an angel for? I was surprised by the range of purposes they have--but,, is there a specific incident that's happened to you multiple times--that could go very badly--but suddenly changes course with almost a miracle saving you--and it turns out fine or great in the end? You might have an angel who protects you from ______fill in whatever is your experience. I was SHOCKED at what one of mine was but it makes sense...
During my first Theta Healing Class I was told by the teacher I had 3 Guardian Angels with me at all times....She said I had one above my head-two above each shoulder. I loved hearing about the purpose of each one--and was shocked when she told me one was there to keep me safe from.......--OK you ready? Creepy men. Yep. Creepy Men. She was stern-and older, my teacher said --and gave them a swift kick if they looked at me funny or wanted me inappropriately apparently. The Angel told my teacher that because of my openness & empathic skills-and being young to be that developed but also seeming older than I am---I attracted a lot of "Weirdos"---SO TRUE! I attract so many weirdos--anyways, and she said that I often have men that are too old or just bad people having impure desires or thoughts about me- This Angel is there there to shoo them away or protect me from their thoughts and from them having any effect on me-and protect me from their energy. At first-- I laughed-thinking that was weird--and funny--then I remembered how many scary or close encounters I had had with strange men following me--or harassing me--& how terrified I was but how I always was saved at the last second in a mysterious way. Just last night I had a man approach me in the parking lot of 711--oh my I have chills--whose energy was sooooo horrible, I felt sick....The cashier at 7-11 came out instantly and told him she was calling the police. I guess he had been banned and I can see why. So-I guess it does make sense--I can think of a couple examples of this being true for me:
....I had a stalker when I was 15 & freaked out when I saw him steps behind me late at night around Mission Beach. I ran from store to store hiding and he followed me...A family on vacation asked me if I was OK and we called the cops & I never saw him again. Days before this-he had approached me while I was walking home from the grocery store. I started running and running and every block I ran down-he seemed to be at the bottom waiting for me...I finally knocked on peoples houses screaming & one house had a loud dog that began barking when I knocked & he disappeared....
I had two other incidents that come to mind-these two while on vacation with my parents--once I was 12, once I was 15. I had two occasions where waiters at the hotel I was staying at got a key to my room and let themselves in at a time they had seen my parents leave but knew I was still up there. Needless to say--I was terrified--I feel sick just thinking of how I felt then, especially when I was 12. He had seemed like a nice guy, this waiter, but not someone I ever considered in that way--I mean I was 12 and he was at least in his mid-twenties-it would have never crossed my mind that someone that old could like me. He opened the door- shut the door behind him and came towards me...And started saying things I did not want to hear--when---although I had watched him shut the door & watched it click shut (my heart sank when it did)-all of the sudden, when he walked towards me--It FLEW OPEN on its own. A manager happened to be walking by--and see this waiter--and I yelled that I didn't want my ice cream anymore (that's what he brought to my room.) The waiter ran out and I never saw him again. The second time-my mom had left to go to do something but turned around on her way and came back to the room. She was none to pleased to find this guy in the room only moments after he came in, I told her he just let himself in and he was fired the same day.
How Your Angels May Communicate with You:
I'm sure many of you have had near death experiences maybe where you KNOW that some sort of being was there to help you. I know I have. I can think of 3-4 car accidents where I should have died and even though when these happened--I didn't believe in all this stuff--I remember commenting to friends afterwards "OH MY GOD I could almost see the Angels guide my car to safety and move the other cars out of my way"--it was an odd thing for me to say every time...I also remember that my friends said every time "I am so glad you were driving-there is no way I would have kept the car under control had I been driving and we'd be dead." They don't realize they have angels too-and that it probably wasn't my driving skills but the fact that I listened to my angels.
You know when you are in a Panic--lets say--fishtailing across 5 lanes of traffic on a busy freeway in Southern California on New Years Eve-and you cant get the brakes to work & its pouring rain and you are just spinning across lanes of traffic screaming--then see you are heading over the edge of the freeway and about to fall 50 feet onto another freeway. That type of panic--So I try stepping on the brakes--using the e-brake--turning the wheel--NOTHING--still going off the edge...Then you have a moment where a voice tells you to do something--and you either do it, or you don't. that moment between life or death---and if you are alive--you've chosen to listen to your angels. Suddenly I stopped panicking-turned my wheel to the left while braking and the car suddenly stopped inches from the edge. I peered around me--we had both had our eyes covered for most of it--I was hunched over protecting myself because every second I braced myself to get smashed by a car--and smashed by another--and another--and when we flew across the 163 b back and forth I was shocked we weren't getting hit. When we peered around--we saw that the entire side of our free way was EMPTY-except for a huge group of hundreds, thousands of cars--approaching us-and where we'd been fishtailing--but the entire freeway had been cleared in front of us and behind us for a good minute or two prior to this-and these cars coming all started in a perfect line---with no stray ones out of a perfect line anywhere.
The instructions you get when in a sticky situation ,where you are in panic mode, are instructions from your angels telling you how you can live. It is characterized by time slowing down-and the answer coming to you out of nowhere and you gaining this sudden strength to finish or fix whatever is going wrong.....And a miraculous ending.
Now-we don't want to see our angels if these are the times we see them--near death? NO FUN!
This same concept applies when asking for help with ANYTHING. Can you think of a time you were crying or upset and said "God-what do I do?" or "What do I do?" or "How could this get better"......Did you stop to listen to your answer? Because I bet you got one! I can remember getting an answer soooo many times now--and ignoring it--because I wanted to wallow a little longer lol....
My idea to make my website was given to me by angels. I had just had back surgery and was miserable in every-way and in so much pain--I didn't know how I could keep living in pain ...I was crying and begging for help when I got "make a website. Practice connecting long-distance."
Now this didn't seem like it would help with my chronic pain and other situations I was upset about--but I listened....And I made a site offering free readings in exchange for letting me practice connecting......And....Here we are--its turned into something much more than I thought it would be-a career and something that makes me very happy--and I am no longer in any pain and have had a baby since then too-this was 1.5 years ago.
Listen to those strange ideas that come to you--or hunches you have. I think many people ignore anything that doesn't seem obvious or that seems kinda different. When you are in traffic and say out loud "which way should I go" and you get the name of a street or freeway--follow it! Listen to that little voice...ESPECIALLY if you ask for help...Follow your intuition and listen to that little voice inside your head--it might be an angel!
Another way is through signs--has a song been stuck in your head for a few hours? What is it about? Do you keep seeing the same numbers or dates everywhere you go? Most likely a sign from your Angels or Spirit Guides.
So--for you to try this week...1st: .I'd like you to think if you can come up with any of the purposes one of your Guardian Angels may be here for....Don't worry about how odd it may sound--Look at mine! LOL
Second: Ask your angels for help with whatever is bothering you or confusing you at that time. Say out loud that you request their assistance with ________ & then wait for a minute or two and notice what thoughts cross your mind....Write them down. Also-keep an eye on anything repetitive you notice in your life the next couple days--and see if it could be help from your Angels or Spirit Guides.
I'd love to hear what you find if you would like to share. Post here or on my and we can help you interpret information you get as well.
Thanks Again! Have a great week!
Friday, December 4, 2009
A storey of inspiration for those of you who suffer from PCOS
Well, we used an ovulation microscope instead of ovulation tests (I used the Fertile Focus one from because I always got almost positive ovulation tests, like many women with PCOS… It showed me full ferning the day I ovulated.
We also did the “baby dance” every day from day 10 of my cycle through to day 16, to make sure we had our bases covered.
And when we did the baby dance, we used Pre-Seed fertility friendly lubricant. It simulates egg-white cervical mucus, something that can be reduced by the Clomid (mine was fine, I actually had more than normal, but we wanted to be sure!)
So between timing everything so perfectly, the Clomid to make me ovulate, the Ferning Microscope to tell me when I was going to ovulate accurately, and using Pre-Seed – we got our BFP!
I’m terrified of twins, though… I want to use a midwife for a home birth, and that is impossible with twins – I’ll have to go to the hospital, and pretty much book a c-section date. As someone that has never even had stitches or a broken bone, I’m terrified of being stuck with a Cesarean!
BTW, you can also post a link to my chart at FF if anybody wants to see it. It shows all of my symptoms, the timing of our Baby Dancing, use of pre-seed, how the ovulation microscope worked – everything! http://www.fertilityfriend.
No problem about letting you share. I feel so, so lucky to finally be pregnant, anything that can give hope to people that are in the situation I was in, I’m glad to do :)
- Cheryl
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
What exactly is a Spirit Guide?
Gold then goes on to define Spirit Teacher. "Similar to Spirit Guide but at a higher level in the hierarchy of spirit beings. The Spirit Teacher is not given the opportunity to incarnate again. The Spirit Teacher has learned all the lessons that can be provided on earth and is therefore given the distinction of teacher. The Spirit Teacher can be asked for advice, similar to the Spirit Guide, but will give assistance only in the way of knowledge."
(this is the "second" spirit guides I refer to, but linked it more as a "second guide" or the "manager" of the main guide")
In order to connect with your spirit guides
"Practice, practice, practice. Just as you have learned anything. Pray for guidance, insight. Remain open to the skill and allow it to come to you. Remember, all knowledge is already within you... Knowledge will come to you in many ways. Through study. Through dreams. Through experience... In order to connect with us in writing, all you need to do is pray, breathe, listen, write, accept, follow your inner knowing, and trust."
Let Go of Expectations The first thing to remember before beginning this exercise is to let go of your expectations as to how communications with your spirit guides should be, and let go of any doubt you might have when it comes to communicating with the spirit world. Let go of the views that you may have acquired from life and how things 'should be' or society tells you they should be. Everyone has spirit guides and everyone has the capability of having a relationship with them if they have a little bit of patience and let go of preconceived notions and doubt that may fill their mind. Don't Let Doubt Sabotage Your Efforts Doubt is a sure-fire way to kill communications with your spirit guides and other spiritual beings. Doubt essentially equates into a lack of faith that you don't believe your guides are around to begin with. There are many things that people believe in that they haven't actually witnessed for themselves, such as God or a higher being that they believe in. Spirit guides will never infringe on your life or your personal views when it comes to them, and will only communicate with you once you have tossed that doubt out the window. It can be challenging to shed old beliefs and let go of your doubts, but it's a sure-fire way to connecting to your spirit guides. First Response Is Always From Your Guides When you are trying to talk to your spirit guides, remember that if you ask a question, the first response that you receive is from your guides. Anything you receive after that is more than likely your own thoughts. Why is this? Because anything after a first response is tainted with time, and thoughts creep in after seconds go by and you have time to start thinking about the answer or doubting the response. If you ask a question, know that the FIRST response is always from your guides.
First two people to comment about their experience with this blog post, will receive a connection with their guides. I will provide first name (or confirm names if you have been told) I will also give you a description of them as I see them.Saturday, November 28, 2009
Watched New Moon tonight!
So my take, well if you enjoyed the books and like this sort of movie, then you should see it. Its defiantly better than the first movie. I really enjoyed it and wish that it was a marathon and let us watch the third movie too (as I know it was wrapped and ready!)
Did you know that the majority of this movie was filmed right here in my province? In fact, I could probably have driven to the set (if I knew where it was) within 1.5 hours. One of my other friends did just that. (for those of you who would love to see pictures of the set, check out her blog!
Now on a side note, my littlest one is driving me nuts when it comes to eating. She used to be so good and would eat pretty much anything you set in front of her (including spicy foods!) and now... well she wont. Shes got her set stuff she likes to eat.. I know shes not going to starve and is still getting an okay variety, but when I stick something on her tray/plate, she says "no no no" and either just wont eat it, or throws it on the floor. So how do you encourage them to try something new? Ignore it when they dont and hope eventually they will? Or do you push? Shes 18 months now and I dont want to turn this into a battle. My 6 year old is now questioning why her sister does not have to eat the things I make her eat. I can reason and talk to my 6 year old and tell her she "has" to eat it.. but can't do that yet with the 18 month old as she does not understand and gets her way! lol. Any ideas?
Friday, November 27, 2009
Hello to you all!
This week has been a busy one for me and I am starting to feel the effects. I have been sleeping like a log so I would think, my back has been sore when I woke up which tells me that I have not moved a muscle. Yet I wake up feeling like I hadn't slept at all! Go figure!
So December first should mark the first of the posts about opening your abilities so please keep your eye on the blog. If there are specific questions or areas you would love to have addressed during this time, let me know and I will include it!!!
Happy Thanks Giving to all my American clients and their families. May you all have something in your life right now to be thankful for.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Sleep is totally overrated!!!
Last night, I got to bed around 11:30-12am. I was lucky she did not wake up. I heard her twice during the night but before i could move a muscle she stopped so I went back to sleep. (most times I react and jump out of bed and go to her, but have since learned to just let her be and she will definitely let me know if I am needed). Well, 5:30am she decided that she needed me. Started to call me and a bit upset. I go in and cuddle with her and tuck her in beside me in the spare bed in the hopes that she will fall back asleep. She kinda tossed and turned and appeared to be trying which was nice. Then 6:10am rolls around and my husband gets up and starts to get ready for work. She hears him fill up the coffee maker and excited calls out "DADDY!!"
So starting my day today at 5:30 which I am sure everyone does at some point our another. I wish I could squeeze in a nap today, but I know it wont work. First, I am NOT a napper (usually feel worse after a nap) and second have some stuff that needs to be done.
I had a client ask me the other day how to tell if your guides are talking with you versus it just being your thoughts. I do think that this question can be a bit tricky. When your first starting out, its really hard to determine which is which. I think with practice of both asking your guides the questions and then making sure your listening, its often easier to tell the difference of when thoughts come from you versus when its from your guides.
To practice, try paying attention for the next few days with your thought pattern. Where there times when you were just thinking of random things and trying to sort something out and then out of the blue found the answer? Try asking yourself questions and then just allowing whatever you "think" to come through. After enough practice, you will realize which ones where just coming through from you and which ones from your guides. I often converse with my guides this way. I can be just sitting there and then thinking and given information I was trying to figure out or an idea to something I had put on the back burner. If I am unsure of which direction or path I need to take in a situation I will ask for help. I have also been given guidance or premonitions on situations about to happen. Most times its a few minutes before its about to happen, so they have provided only a short time for me to react! I ALWAYS make sure to say thank you so that they know how much I do appreciate the help they have given. I have been doing this long enough now, the thought pattern seems to have taken a different "tone" than what just comes from me.
Your guides do enjoy the attention and being acknowledged and will try and find ways to show you that its them and not just yourself talking to yourself:) I think that with doing this, its every one's biggest worry that they are just talking to themselves, and in turn they seem to shut themselves off to this more out of worry and fear rather than exploring their own gifts and opening themselves to it.
December is going to be about exploring our own gifts. I will try and focus on one aspect each week in order to encourage and open the people who are looking to explore their own psychic gifts.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
I know its hard not to get discouraged
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
I just wanted to say.....
Decembers monthly special will be a free one again so keep checking back... Not going to tell you when its going to be announced so you will just have to keep checking back! lol.
I have made some wonderful connections with everyone as well, and love to hear your stories of your journey of ttc.
Speaking of stories, here is one of my clients journeys to help give you hope on your own ttc journeys!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Can someone come to my house to fold laundry?
Weekends are usually my days "off". I don't do as much laundry, I don't clean the house as much. I am not online as much...(get the pattern here? lol). So today being Monday means I am back in cleaning mode. Yesterday I actually did clean my husbands "work" bathroom. So its sparkling. I meant to tackle the toy room but found myself distracted with playing farm town and farm ville.
Today, I have laundry going, just about to go and sort and fold and then have it all away. I am a stickler for keeping to the routine during the week. I like having something to do, even though it seems like it never ends.
Today is raining like crazy here, and the wind is HORRID. I saw two people outside today on my way to pick up my daughter from school and they were raking their leaves. No hats, or umbrellas (not sure how they would hold on to it anyways) but I couldn't believe that they were even outside! This is DEFINITELY an inside day in my books!
So if you have gotten this far ....first two people to post in the comment section telling about their day, get a free bypass prediction done. (email me if your one of the two people who made it) And even if there is already two posters, feel free to leave a comment anyways:) I do read all of them!
Did I ever mention that Mondays are my favorite day of the week?
Sunday, November 15, 2009
The winner.. and my own interpretation:)
Although the H1N1 does creep me out, and has been on my mind the last few weeks because I am unsure if I am to vaccinate or not (talked to my Dr who was saying that he was "supposed" to recommend it, but never actually came out and told me it was his professional opinion that i should, so needless to say I wont be getting it) I do not think that this is what the dream was about. In my interpretation most of the links to what was in the dream, relate specifically to spirituality. I have a feeling that a new part is able to open up that perhaps I am currently aware of but protecting myself against? Perhaps from my old ways, or stubbornness is keeping it from reaching its full potential. Which is why they show the symbol of the bridge, which shows me crossing it to a new "area". It also mentions being scared which I translate to a specific area of my gift I am already aware of. When connecting with loved ones who have passed over, at this time I can see them in my minds eye.. I have a feeling the next step to this would be seeing them in front of me (or around). Part of me is intrigued and knows its possible. The other part of me is freaked out about it!!
So I am going to have to sit on this dream a bit more as I have a feeling that I am not provided all the answers either in regards to my life and that this is something yet to come.
Also, Brooke777 has asked to be put on "hold" for a bit. Shes become extremely busy and is unable to do the blog giveaways in addition to her current work (portraits and her own clients) If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Brooke on her link below.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Some dreams can be disturbing
Fast forward to my dream. I was at this polar bear exhibit. There was quite a few of them and you could get really close. You were separated by a glass wall of some sort, but it pretty much felt like you were right in there with them. I have mentioned before that bears freak me out, so you can imagine how i was feeling being so close to them and only being separated by a glass wall!
Anyways, as we walked over this bridge to the other part of this exhibit, I realize that three people that were obviously tourists had gotten INTO the enclosure where the bears where swimming. They thought this to be really cool, and were inching their way closer trying to get a better look. I was like "oh my god, what the heck are they doing in there? Oh my gosh, someone get them out". The one polar bear that was the biggest noticed them and climbed out of the water and along the same embankment that these three people were on. They realized their horrible mistake and tried to start walking back to get out, only the bear was faster. After realizing that they were not going to make it out before the bear got them, they decided to try and reason with the bear? Each blaming each other for being in there and basically telling the bear to pick the other one first. It was really odd and disturbing at the same time. The bear of course grabbed the first one closest and with a big reach of its paw, threw the person against the glass wall and into the water. This is when everyone in the exhibit started to scream. I yelled to my husband to grab our eldest and face her away from what was obviously about to happen and he did. I turned to do the same to our youngest only to realize that she was no longer beside me, but had some how ended up in the enclosure with the bears!! This is when I screamed and tried to get over the glass, and when I woke up. I HATE dreams like that!
So I have been basically up since 5:30am, and our youngest decided shortly after she would join me.
As you all remember, I usually use to interpret my dreams. As the years have gone by, I have figured out which dreams are worth looking into and which ones just to ignore as a "cooky" dream or related to something I was watching on the TV.
So I have done just that, and thought I would share the interpretation of this horrible dream.
To see a polar bear in your dream, signifies a reawakening.
White represents purity, perfection, peace, innocence, dignity, cleanliness, awareness, and new beginnings. You may be experiencing a reawakening or have a fresh outlook on life. However, in Eastern cultures, white is associated with death and mourning.
To see water in your dream, symbolizes your unconscious and your emotional state of mind. Water is the living essence of the psyche and the flow of life energy. It is also symbolic of spirituality, knowledge, healing and refreshment. If the water is calm, clear, then it signifies that you are in tune with your spirituality. It denotes serenity, peace of mind, and rejuvenation.
To see tourist in your dream, indicates how you are in a position to provide help to others.
To see glass in your dream, symbolizes passivity or protection. You may be putting up an invisible barrier to protect yourself in a situation or relationship.
To dream that you are looking through glass, represents your openness and non-defensiveness. Alternatively, you may be putting up an invisible emotional barrier around yourself.
To see a wall in your dream, signifies limitations. obstacles and boundaries. There is a barrier obstructing your progress. You may be too accustomed to your old habits and way of thinking.
To dream that you jump over a wall, suggests that you will overcome tough obstacles with success.
To dream that you are crossing a bridge, signifies an important decision or a critical junction in your life. This decision will prove to be a positive change filled with prosperity and wealth in the horizon. Bridges represent a transitional period in your life where you will be moving on to a new stage. If the bridge is over water, then it suggests that your transition will be an emotional on
So these are the important parts of the dream. I am interested in hearing your possible interpretations.. what does it make you think? What do you feel? Any answer you give (there is no wrong answer - its your interpretation!) will be entered to win a family bypass reading from myself ($25.00 value)
Winner will be announced Sunday:)
Monday, November 9, 2009
Talking with your guides.. can be.. well ..simple..
You have to realize that your guides are with you 24/7. They are here to help you as best as they can without giving you all the answers. You may wish they would just hand over the cheat sheet already and tell you the answer, but all they seem to give are HINTS and clues to what you need to do. Sometimes we pay attention to the clues and signs they show us, other times we are just too busy too notice.
Well if your up for it, there are other ways of doing this as well. One of which is to actually ask (in your mind) questions that would result in a yes or no answer for them (which is the easiest to interpret). Now this has to be SPECIFICALLY related to something happening to you. Not a question you are asking about a friend.
Lets say you have this opportunity to invest with friends and your on the fence about it. You have so many good reasons to do it, but just as many reasons not too. Why not ask your guides for guidance? For example, if this situation was me, I would say (in my head) " Should I invest my money with Jane and John with this current project"? Then sit and wait. When I first started to do this, I actually would get a "pull" in my eye brows, kinda making them lift slightly up. I don't think that anyone on the outside would have noticed this, but I felt it. This meant "yes". If the answer was no I felt a pull or tightening in my chin area.. Down meant no. I know some people actually feel their eyes pull up or down based on the answer.. but if you keep trying it out with different questions that you know the answers to, you will see which way they are showing you the answers to the questions. If your not getting a complete indication of up or down, its because they do not want to give you the answer!!
If anyone has any questions about how this works, feel free to leave your question or comment in the comments section below and I will answer you:)
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Congrats too.......
Things here have been busy. My girls have been feeling a bit better with still a little bit of a cough. I am hoping really strongly that my littlest one will get a good nights sleep. Seems to be sporadic at best since shes gotten sick. Last night again I ended up sleeping on the couch with her at around 4am until just after 7am. So feeling tired tonight, have a bit of indigestion, but as long as I am not next to get sick then I am good to go! I keep telling myself "I am Healthy" and so far this has worked!!!
I am so happy that many of you decided to try and the manifesting of money coming your way. I am sure that there were others who tried it but perhaps did not want to participate in the blog contest. Hopefully its increased some money your way.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Well I know what it isn't!!!
Now lets fast forward to last night. My little one STILL had a fever. I called the nurse help line (811 here in BC) And they suggested I take her to the hospital. I was having a hard time getting the fever to break and stayed around 101-103. She was a mommy's girl the whole day and really did not do much and just wanted to sit in my lap. I dont blame her!
Today was not much different. I usually watch two other kids a few days a week during the day and had to cancel. My little one was not feeling well and I had figured I would take her into the emergency ward and find out if she had h1n1. (she has some of the symptoms).. Our dr does not work Wednesdays and the walk in clinics (which there are two I think) are HORRIBLE. After I picked up my eldest from the school off we went. It took about 2 hours, we all had to wear masks and because the little one would not we were put in a room off to ourselves.. Which was good. After finally seeing the Dr, he said they just had a really bad cold and to continue with the tylenol but perhaps "double dose" he said one time give her tylenol, and then 2 hours later give her the advil and then two hours after that tylenol..etc... We will see.. I did that tonight before bed. Hoping if she has a good sleep perhaps she can fight this! I hate seeing them sick! (also crossing fingers that I do not get it.. okay, using Elisabeth's technique.... I AM HEALTHY)
So that has been me in a nutshell.. We do NOT have H1N1 and will get the vaccinations (recommended by my Dr - although I still tend to be on the fence about this) I am slightly behind in readings (only a day) due to what has been going on here and with the little one not feeling well.
Dont forget, if you have not already, check out Elisabeth's post below and my give away post below that. You still have time to enter to win my family bypass reading just by trying to manifest money in your direction. I know people have already had success with trying. If you are unsure if your doing it right or have questions about it, please email me at with BLOG COMMENT in the subject line and I will try and get right back to you.