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Sunday, September 6, 2009

Ruby has already been at work -

For those of you just tuning into the blog now and reading the post below, she had already removed the link that showed her post advertising herself as Serenity72 and offering her psychic services along with the picture she had included... so just goes to show you how desperate she is to continue this charade!

please everyone... still pass out the comments below. I really feel its in every ones best interest to be aware before making their decision about who they use. Not everyone seems to be doing this for the best interests of their clients.

Ruby - I know you read my blog. Its time you start doing this the HONEST way and stop the way your promoting yourself.


Candy218 said...

Really this whole situation is sad. It puts good people like you and Elisabeth in bad company. (I mean because she's saying stupid stuff) To be so low to "fake" bad mouthing people is sad. And these ladies on these websites are looking for hope, and somebody like her comes along and craps on their hopes and dreams. ehhhh I know people that have talent, and that are willing to help people because they care don't need to stoop to this level Thats why Cheri I've been a client of yours since 2006 because you care....and you treat me more than a client....and for that I'm greatful. So keep doing what you'be been doing and....well people like her make me shake my head, what are we in highschool again????

Cheri22 said...

thanks for your kind words. I do appreciate it:) And my thoughts exactly. Shes just leaving a sour taste in my mouth, and I just can't believe how some people will do this to innocent people. Just sad really. I believe in karma.. the way shes behaving has now come to bite her in the butt.

Anonymous said...

Honestly for as many people that go to her - you think her websites would look more professional. I actually did try her out as well - at least when she was wrong about her baby prediction she offers a new one for free which is considerate, however you're bound to be right when you have to predict again (and use six months out of the year). I'd really hope what she was doing isn't true, it's sad really because a lot of people I've known have went to her. Actually I did a poll with friends to see her accuracy so far... 4 were right on the money, 3 said one or two months off, 4 said WAY off, 3 asked for a second reading because the first was wrong.. and 10 are waiting to see.

I want to add to all those considering her - she has horrible waits at times, many people waited weeks longer and had to threaten her to actually get theirs. So far her promised time for predictions is pretty wrong. She will delete any bad comments you mention about waiting or being wrong on her myspace comments too. Be forewarned.

Cheri22 said...

thanks also for your honesty about your experience with her readings and the wait times. I do know that its hard to wait, but shes completely disorganized. I know of other clients being promised their readings, then the time frame passes, they email again, they get promised again for a different day with some "lame" excuse, and that time frame passes.... its horrible!

So I guess time will tell. I hope shes learned her lesson. This is the SECOND time shes been caught doing this.

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to comment bc I went to both Cheri, Ruby,and Elisabeth for readings while TTC. My Cheri and Elisabeth readings were dead on, both predicted girl Cheri said November (when I got my BFP) and Elisabeth said she saw me delivering early due to medical issues (pre-e 3 weeks early). Ruby said boy and february. When I was researching her I came across many threads warning about her, but tried her anyway. Keep up the good work Cheri!

Cheri22 said...

hi Joelle

Thanks for your honest feedback about your experinece with the people you have tried. It really does mean alot that you posted that here. Congrats again!!

Ruby The Baby Psychic said...

Hello everyone. If anyone that reads this would like a refund of the reading they had in the past or a free one please email me.

Ruby The Baby Psychic said...

email is

Patty D. said...

WOW!!!!! Cheri I can't believe she is posting on your blog also like Elisabeths...I hope everyone that did buy from her will request their money back...She has done a bad thing with messing with womens emotions and trying to bring down a great psychic thats just crazy...Ruby you need to be ashame of yourself....

Anonymous said...

Cheri--I just received a reading from you, and I feel like it was excellent. So many things dead on! I will contact you soon about a question about one of them...BUT, my first ever experience with this was with Ruby. She predicted a 5 month time span for pregnancy. While that did raise some questions in my eyes, she also predicted some things and made some comments that I wondered how she could possibly know. Is there a way to research an email address on twoweekwait and research the person you're reading? I never gave her my screen name, so I wonder if she does have some talent.

I feel sad that I, along with so many others, were "taken" by Ruby. I know she is offering free readings now, but really, why put my trust in somebody that is floating around the boards, reading all about their clients before the reading?

Cheri, you seem VERY honest, trustworthy, and that gives me much hope for what you said for our family! Keep up the good work and thanks. ~~Jennifer

Nicole said...

I did a reading from Ruby about six months ago, I thought it was pathetic and I immediately deleted it. It makes me very angry that Ruby is taking advantage of women that desperately want a baby and giving them an answer that is basically a guess.
Thank you Cheri for bringing this out, I know that Rubi has been saying terrible things about Elisabeth. I also believe in karma and Ruby yours will come one day!

Anonymous said...

I believe if you search for "appleofmyeye" on will find Ruby there too. She is using both screen names in my opinion.

Ruby The Baby Psychic said...

Yes. I am very ashamed of myself. I posted on twoweekwait as serenity72 and also bashed Elisabeth. I am a very gifted psychic, just don't know how to market myself, but it SHOULD NOT have been done this way. Let me assure everyone that I will be doing things the honest way now because I can no longer deal with this of doing something wrong like this, bad karma, etc. Cheri did a reading for me before and she told me that it was hard to connect to my energy because I used the name Ruby with the reading not my real name. So I am done being some one I am not as that is not right. I am offering refunds or free readings in place of the refunds for those who I did a reading for in the past that would like one. This is for past clients only. I am not saying this to say this will make things right nor expecting forgiveness. It was wrong of me to post as some one else and bash some one else. I won't be coming to post here any more. Please email me if you would like at my email for any questions, comments, concerns, the refund, or a free reading. Blessings!

Anonymous said...

OMG Ruby have I read that before.Where are my twin girls lol.Honesty is how you would of made a name for yourself that is how Cheri, Brooke and elisibeth have built up a great reputation sadly I dont feel you will do that well as you have been caught out to many times and WE don't forget

Niki said...

I am appauled because I remember the first time something like this happened with Ruby. I cannot believe she has not learned her lesson yet!

I have not had a reading from Elisabeth but I am sorry she was bashed. One of these days when I have the extra cash to splurge a little, I plan to get a reading from Elisabeth!

Cheri, thank you for bringing this out in the open...once again.

Anonymous said...

I ordered a reading from Ruby before I won my free one with you and 2 months passed by with no responce, so I requested a refund and I got an excuse and I requested a refund and so on and so on so I finally opened a dispute with paypal and then I got my reading but it was completely different from yours (which described my husband to a tee it was unbelieveable!) so I told her I was not satified because she probably just jotted down info to keep the sale but she assured me this was not so but I just thought I would share my experiance and say that not getting your reading from her is more common than not.

Anonymous said...

My first reading with Ruby she said: find out/ conceive feb - may (so 6 month window). she then sent me a correction - Aug - Nov (another 6 months)!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you exposed her for what she is though. I wanted to order a reading from here but there are SO many women on BabyCenter that have warned against her. Your previous commentors are right. People like her give the people with credibility a bad reputation.

Laurie said...

Hi, I ordered a reading from Ruby on 8-1-09 and have not gotten the reading yet. I email her daily asking about the reading. I emailed her today asking for my reading or a refund. I feel I have been polite and waited long enough. She has made contact with me as I have with her and has offered to upgrade my reading as well as give me a free question but again she missed her promise date for the 3rd time. Go figure. Thanks for your warnings and I will post on Fertility Friend as well as Fertility Gal. Good luck to all the ladies trying to conceive. I am trying for number 6 at 39 and no luck so far. Maybe soon!!