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Thursday, September 24, 2009

I feel so guilty!!!

Last year and this year we have had a wasp nest in the window/vent for our attic. The problem is this "window/vent" is right above our patio door. You can't touch it without a ladder, but for the last few months have been keeping an eye on it. I could see about 20 of them the other day all climbing over the vent and working on their hive. I called the exterminators to find out how to get rid of them, if they are aggressive as the hive gets bigger. The man on the phone I talked to, told me that what I was describing sounded like a large nest since its started to come on the outside and with how many I was seeing. This freaked me out! I watch two other kids a few days a week besides my own and I did not want anyone to get stung by any bees, so I scheduled the hive to be removed today at 3pm. Earlier today while we were outside on the patio, I was sweeping up some fallen leaves and noticed one of the bees dead on the patio. Most times we come out in bare feet, or just socks so was worried one of the kids would step on it (or worse pick it up) and felt good about my decision to remove the wasps (never know if I should call them bee or wasp!) Anyways, the exterminator turned out to be a female, took one look at the nest, told me they were "umbrella wasps" and that it would be a small nest and easy to remove...... Also told me I could probably have done it myself at night with raid since these ones are usually smaller hives, yet the guy on the phone made it sound like it was a swarm! lol) Anyways, the kids all were inside while this took place and actually were excited to watch her "remove" the bees (they are freaked out knowing its there and one of the girls refuses to go outside knowing she has to go out the door with them being there).

So after it was done and most of the bees flew off (unfortunately with the dusting they receive, they will not live) and a few fell to the ground obviously stunned and near death. This is where my guilt comes in. They never attacked me, were just doing their "jobs" and I threw them out of their home.. Okay, I "murdered" them. Now thinking back, wish I could have found a way to just evict the little buggers :(

Anyways, today is Thursday, and will do a give away.. I am actually offering something from myself.. the first 5 people who respond to this post with a comment receive a free fertility reiki OR a free reading (10.00 value)!!!

Off to do a bit of work and hopefully squeeze in the opener of Grey's Anatomy!


ty206 said...

Cheri don't feel guilty! It would have been a disaster if one of the little ones got hurt. I did google how to get rid of bees the natural way and here's what I found-

Citronella Candles:
The scent coming from these incense or candles would help you get rid of bees without decreasing their population.

Cucumber Peels:
Cucumber is another great natural pest repellent. As with citronella plants, cucumber peels release an aroma that deters most household pests, including bees. Simply scatter some cucumber peels around your backyard. The more cucumber peels, the better. The great thing about using cucumber peels is that after some time, they would eventually serve as healthy fertilizer for your plants

Jackie said...

My best friend almost died from a bee sting, it's a long story. She didn't know that she was allergic to bees. Since then I'm a little nervous when they get too close. Cheri you did the right thing getting the hive removed.

vetdoc06 said...

Dont feel guilty. My friend is so allergic to bees that she carries around and epi pen in her purse in case she gets stung. Last time she was stung she almost died. So thank you.

Unknown said...

I cannot stand bees!! Or any other small insects but I always feel guilty when I get rid of them!

But it's a good job you got rid of them! Just imagine if one of your girls got stung.. I got stung a couple of weeks ago on my neck, this was the first time it was so painful lol..

Christina Bohne said...

I understand completely how you feel. The circle of life is sometimes a gruesome thing in all reality. We see insects and animals as pest sometimes when in turn they are a part of our environment just as we are. We have alot of "jumping" spiders in our basement, and I am not enthused in any way. I usually try to just stomp my feet when I see them but if they are in my kitchen or bathroom I feel threatened, lol. I try negotiating and turning my head for a second to see if they will leave first but if not, I don't give second chances. Don't feel guilty, it's just our natural reaction to not like bugs as a society with pest control and thinking they are dirty or nasty. You are just human, too!!

Laurie said...

I would have gotten rid of them as well. I wouldn't want one of my children to be stung as that hurts badly. At least now the little one won't be scared to go outside and play. I have sprayed some at night myself so that my children wouldn't get hurt.

Laurie said...

I have been waiting since 2:30 am to post this comment and the word verification wouldn't show up. I don't know what is going on. When I posted just a second ago it says post time is 3:09 but it was 6:09. I don't know what is going on. Just wanted you to know that something weird is going on.

DianaR. said...

Awwwww, I missed it!! anyhow, that is a good idea on the citronella candles, will have to remember that!!

Krystal said...

The thing about wasps/bees - they don't evict easily. LOL there's no need to feel guilty, unfortunately they were just in the wrong place but it's for your safety and the children. You never know who is allergic to stings.

Anonymous said...

Each spring I'm on constant look out for new nests which I knock down as soon as I see them (so they don't get big enough for the wasps to move in).

I understand how you feel, but you have to look after your own family before you look after the wasp family.