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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Announcing the winner (and telling you the answer too!)

Okay, you guys all did AMAZING! you should pat yourself on the back. When I first picked this picture, I too have to say that my first impression was LONELY. Even though the two of the animals are together and apparently very happy.. I still felt lonely. So I am wondering if this was originally infused by the person who took this picture? Perhaps trying to symbolize that these two were willing to come together for comfort because they were lonely. Does that make sense? So I too both felt comfort and lonely when first looking at this picture.. Now the funny part is, I actually infused this with EXCITED emotion. So I am wondering if I did a horrible job with that as only one person felt excited and everyone else thought/felt what I did! So perhaps I need to practice on that portion of my gift, or should have chosen a different picture! lol.

So the winner based on what the answer was supposed to be is Jann2727!!! please contact me at to claim your prize!

Now I do have to say that I really do feel that the picture was infused despite the results that were posted. As now when looking at it, I get the same excited feeling in my chest that I put into it. Like i am excited about getting something, or going somewhere.. So now what I have to ask, if you were allowed to have had two choices, who else would have picked excited?