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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Here is a little twist for you all!

As most of you have read below, the person who won the reading is Julie. Turns out shes also one previously for the secret psychic! She has told me this (as I had not realized this myself! lol) and has actually offered to pass it on to someone else so that they too can have a turn. She really enjoyed her reading with the secret psychic but feels it would not be fair to other blog readers to have the chance twice. She has picked a new number for the winner. She said that she loves the show Lost (so do I!!!) and that it starts at 7pm, so shes drawing number 7 as the lucky winner. Now going back through the post, that shows as Niki!!! So congrats to you Niki now on being the lucky winner thanks to Julie! You just need to email me at with "secret psychic" in the subject line so I can locate your email and forward your email where it needs to go:)

Lets also talk "lucky charms". I know that some woman can't really do the visualizing techniques as either they don't have the time, or the attention span to do it and constantly find their mind wandering to other things rather than focusing on the positive thinking aspects. Have you thought instead of using a "fertility" charm? Something that represents fertility and either putting it under your pillow, or wearing it around your neck...etc. Keeping it close to you and thinking of it, rubbing it and being positive about this? I was thinking of locating something like this for people who were interested in having something like this. So let me know if anyone is interested and I will start to research into this ia bit more.


Shannon said...

Hi Cheri,

I actually wear two fertility charms around my neck one is a fertility women pendant and another that is very easy to get is a rose quartz..I have a heart shaped rose quartz..I heard it is real good for fertility i also carry one in my purse and one beside my bed as well..


Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say what Julie did was a very nice thing.
Way to go.
Lisa xxx

jann2727 said...

Thanks...I was just answering Cheri's secret psychic question about the pic for fun...I didn't think I'd win. lol!

Suie said...

never thought of a fertility charm to be honest. More info would be supa!

Suie xx

Niki said...

Thank you Julie!! How very nice of you!

and Cheri, I am interested in a fertility charm or something of the like!

Leslie said...

My neighbor actually made me a fertility charm when I was trying to get pregnant with Ronan. It had a frog and a turtle I want to say? That was 2 years ago and it has since broken an I've misplaced it but I believe those were the 2 animals.

I kept it in a nightstand drawer...close to my side of the bed.

Don't know if it helped...or if it was the clomid...LOL!